
Showing posts from January, 2019

Week 4-5

My winter break was exhausting but it was worth it. All 16 days were days I should have taken 16 long hot water showers but I did not leave the water running for a long time. In reality, I don't think people would time themselves when they take a shower so I heated water on the stove and filled up 5 buckets and enjoyed it as well as I would if I was running the water.  People shouldn't waste water because there's a solution. There are people in the world walking 100 miles for limited water and we just waste it on simple stuff like hot showers to satisfy ourselves. By next week I will share this knowledge with the neighborhood kids at my local community gym. I will continue to process this method and teach my kids and the people around me. This experience taught me gratitude and helped me form a better environmental behavior.